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Informative Note pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 Pursuant to art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, we hereby inform you that your stay in one of the Starhotels structures requires the process of your personal data, which will be carried out in full respect of your rights and fundamental liberties, with special reference to the privacy protection applicable law and, in any case, in compliance with the minimum security measures provided by the law. On this regard, we hereby inform you that your personal data will be processed for institutional purposes, related or connected to the activities of our company, including: a) execution of a hotel services, and the deriving operations, or any other operation contractually agreed; b) performance of legislative obligations provided by fiscal and accounting regulations in force; c) operational and managerial internal needs of Starhotels and related to the service provided, with particular, but not exclusive, reference to activities performed within the course of ordinary administration and accounting purposes; and, subject to the acquisition of his free consent, specific and distinct d) provide, via e-mail (newsletter) or mail, information and/or assessment questionnaires on the products or services provided by Starhotels, marketing initiatives, advertising and promotional activities reserved for Starhotels client and implemented by itself or by subsidiaries, parent, affiliated or otherwise connected and for the foreign transfer of personal data for customer care activities. Notwithstanding that as regards the processing of personal data related to the execution of the contract and to the performance of legal obligations is not required the specific consent to data processing pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, please be informed that the provision of data and consent to data processing for the purposes set out above under letter d) is free and you will have the right to object at any time for such processing, easily and free of charge by contacting the Data Processor, including through the use of electronic mail, getting an immediate response confirming that the interruption of this process; notwithstanding the above, however, the refusal to provide the requested personal data may make it impossible to take advantage of certain services and benefits to customers Starhotels reserved. In accordance with and within the limits provided by the provisions of General Measure of the Privacy Authority of 1 July 2008, No. 188 / C, Formula 6, a, b, c, sending information or advertising can also be done without your specific consent, save your right to object at any time and provided that such promotional activities relates to goods and services of Starhotels and similar to those of a previous sale in your favor. The data processing can be done by computer, paper, digital, electronic, magnetic. The data collected will be kept and stored at the company headquarters, in Florence, Viale Belfiore, 27. The data collected will be used exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes and may be communicated to subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates or any way related to Starhotels Group, both in Italy and abroad exclusively reserved for the management of benefits reserved to Starhotels customers. In compliance with the minimum security measures, your data may also be disclosed to the public safety and other public and private entities for the fulfillment of obligations under the law, fiscal, administrative, financial and similar. In no event the data will be disclosed. At any time you will be able to exercise your rights towards the data processor in accordance with Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, allowing you to obtain a confirmation of your personal data and their communication in intelligible form. You will also have the right to obtain updating, rectification, integration and deletion of data. Finally, you will have the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data, even for the purpose of collecting and sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communications by contacting the Data Processor, where is also available, on request, the complete and updated list of Data Controllers. The Data Processor is Starhotels S.p.A. with registered office in Florence - 50144, Viale Belfiore, 27. Tel. 055.36921 - fax 055.36924. e-mail: I declare that I have read the Privacy Policy
Rome - Hotel d'InghilterraFlorence - Helvetia & BristolLondon - The FranklinLondon - The GoreLondon - The PelhamMilan - Rosa GrandNew York - The MichelangeloParis - CastilleSaturnia - Terme di SaturniaSiena - Grand Hotel ContinentalTrieste - Savoia Excelsior PalaceVenice - Splendid VeniceVenice - Hotel GabrielliVicenza - Villa MichelangeloBergamo - Cristallo PalaceBologna - ExcelsiorFlorence - MichelangeloFlorence - TuscanyFlorence - VespucciGenoa - PresidentMilan - AndersonMilan - Business PalaceMilan - E.c.ho.Milan - RitzMilan - TouristNaples - TerminusParma - Du ParcRome - MetropoleRome - MichelangeloSaronno - Grand MilanTurin - MajesticSaronno - Grand Milan